Library Commands Object Model Reference

StructuredLibrarySearch Members

StructuredLibrarySearch overview

Public Instance Constructors

StructuredLibrarySearch Constructor Create an instance of the StructuredLibrarySearch.

Public Instance Properties

Context Set the Context string for the structured filter.
Description Set the Description string for the structured filter.
Language Set the Language string for the structured filter.
ListDescription Set and get the list description string for the structured filter.
ListName Set and get the list name string for the structured filter.
ListResponse Set and get the list response string for the structured filter.
ModifyDateEnd Set the Modify Date end date for the structured filter.
ModifyDateStart Set the Modify Date start date for the structured filter.
QuestionName Set the QuestionName string for the structured filter.
QuestionText Set the QuestionText string for the structured filter.
RoutingContext Set the Routing Context string for the structured filter.
Topic Set the ITopic for the structured filter.

Public Instance Methods

AddAttribute Adds the attribute as an attribute to be searched on.
ClearAttributes Clears the attributes.
Equals (inherited from Object) 
Execute (inherited from LibrarySearchCommand) Perform the search based on the specified search criteria
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
ToString (inherited from Object) 

Protected Instance Fields

_library (inherited from LibrarySearchCommand) The internal library instance.

Protected Instance Methods

AddCriterias (inherited from LibrarySearchCommand) Tokenizes the criteria keywords and adds them to the criteria filter
CreateFilterCriteria Create a StructuredFilter.
Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

StructuredLibrarySearch Class | Spss.Dimensions.Library.Commands Namespace