Library Commands Object Model Reference

SurveySubmissionCommand.ErrorType Enumeration

An enumeration of error types that may be encountered while executing the SurveySubmissionCommand.

public enum SurveySubmissionCommand.ErrorType


Member Name Description
AlreadyExists Indicates that an attempt to add a new asset was made, and an asset with this name already exists in the library.
AssetNotFound Indicates that an attempt to update an existing asset was made, but no asset with this name could be found in the library.
LoadWhenNew Indicates that the LoadAsset method was called when the Command is supposed to be submitting a New survey asset.
InvalidLibrary Indicates that the Library which the command was attempted to be executed against was invalid in some way. (may be null)
MissingName Indicates that the name that the survey should be stored as is missing.
SurveyMissing Indicates that the survey for the command is missing.
SurveyNotSaved Indicates that the provided survey had not been saved locally prior to submission.
SurveyReadOnly Indicates that the provided survey is considered read-only, and may not be submitted.
SaveError Indicates that the survey failed to properly save to the library.
UpdateWithoutLoad Indicates that the command was executed for update without first loading the survey asset.
NoWriteAuthority The user does not have the right to write/submit surveys for this stage (currently we just submit to the draft stage)
Unknown Indicates that an unknown, unidentified error has occurred.


Namespace: Spss.Dimensions.Library.Commands

Assembly: Spss.Dimensions.Library.Commands (in Spss.Dimensions.Library.Commands.dll)

See Also

Spss.Dimensions.Library.Commands Namespace