Library Specification Object Model Reference

ILibrary Members

ILibrary overview

Public Instance Properties

AvailableAttributes The list of attributes that should be set for a survey assets
ConfigurationCheckoutStatus Returns the checkout status for all configuration information. Typically an application should checkout the configuration prior to making any modifications to Stage definitions, Checklist definition, Attribute definition, or Library properties. When accessing survey assets, the servey assets checkout capabilities should be used, not this. When using Stages, Checklists, Attributes, or Library Properties, no checkout is required.
CurrentCulture The current working culture settings. All string text will be returned in this language.
Location The 'location' of the library. The exact value of this property depends upon the library implementation itself. However, generally if the Library exists on a server it may be the URL to that library, and/or if the library is stored on the file-system, it could be the directory path to the library. This is intended to be used in conjunction with the Library name to help identify a library.
Name The name of the library
Properties Used to query properties defined for this library.
Stages The stages currently defined for this library. The last stage will always refer to the approved status.
Text The caption for the library
Topics The list of topics that currently exist for the library

Public Instance Methods

CreateCommandLineFilterCriteria Creates a command line filter that can be used to generate lists of assets from the library
CreateStructuredFilterCriteria Creates a structured filter that can be used to generate lists of assets from the library
CreateSurveyAssetOverloaded. Creates a local survey asset in the draft stage and default topic. If an MDD is provided, then it is converted to an MZD.
GetAttribute Returns the attribute specified
GetSurveyAsset Returns the survey asset with the specified name from the draft stage.
GetSurveyAssetStages Gets the stages an asset exists in.
GetSurveyAssetVersion Gets an asset for the version and stage specified. null if the specifed version does not exist at the current stage
GetSurveyAssetVersions Gets the versions of an asset for a specified stage.
GetTopic Returns the topic represented by the topic path. "Demographics/Age" will return the Age subtopic.
IsCapable Indicates whether this library implementation supports the provided capability.
ListOverloaded. Returns the assets for this filter that meet the specified criteria ordered from the most likely to the least likely.
QueryOverloaded. Returns the assets for this filter that meet the specified criteria ordered from the most likely to the least likely.
Refresh Reloads library configuration.

Public Instance Events

SurveyAssetSavedEvent An event which will be fired whenever a ISurveyAsset has been saved, or deleted from the library.

See Also

ILibrary Interface | Spss.Dimensions.Library.Specification Namespace