Library Specification Object Model Reference

IQLAttribute Members

IQLAttribute overview

Public Instance Properties

AllowedValues The list of possible values for the attribute
DataType The data type contained by this attribute.
Max Represents the maximum value when DataType is an integer, or the maximum length when a string. Only used when ValueType is Open.
Min Represents the minimum value when DataType is an integer, or the minimum length when a string. Only used when ValueType is Open.
Name The name of the attribute
Properties Additonal properties about this attribute
Required Is this Attribute required
Text The text to display on the UI when getting the attribute from the user
ValueType The type of value contained by this attribute.

Public Instance Methods

Equals Implementors must implement Equals based upon whether the attribute's name is equal or not.
GetHashCode Implementors must implement GetHashCode by using the Name.GetHashCode() of the attribute as the HashCode.
Save Saves the attribute to the library
Validate Can be used to validate the value of the attribute. Returns the appropriate ValidationErrorType if the value was not valid, or null if it was.

See Also

IQLAttribute Interface | Spss.Dimensions.Library.Specification Namespace