Library Specification Object Model Reference

IReviewHistory Members

IReviewHistory overview

Public Instance Properties

ApprovedDate The date approved or 01/01/0001 if unapproved.
AssignedTo The user that is currently responsible for the item in the stage if not approved. Null if unassigned. This may change between the review and submitter as the review process progresses.
Checklists Returns the reviewer's checklist for this item(current version) for the specified stage
CheckoutStatus The current checkout status for the specified stage.
LeadReviewer The user responsible for this review stage. Null if unassigned.
RespondByDate The target date if unapproved or 01/01/0001 if approved.
ReviewNotes The review notes from the specified stage.
SubmitDate The date submitted.
Submitter The user who originally submitted the item

See Also

IReviewHistory Interface | Spss.Dimensions.Library.Specification Namespace