Library Specification Object Model Reference

QLLibrarySettingsEntry Members

QLLibrarySettingsEntry overview

Public Instance Constructors

QLLibrarySettingsEntry Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the QLLibrarySettingsEntry class.

Public Instance Properties

Driver Instantiates the driver class as defined by the DriverName property and returns it.
DriverAssembly The name of the assembly to find the driver class in.
DriverClass The class name of the driver.
Item Named access to the contents of the properties list.
Library The most recently, and currently mounted library for this settings entry. This may be null if no library has been mounted yet.
LibraryName The library name as it is known to the client.
Location Returns the Location of this Library.
Password The optionally configured password used to connect to the library. This is stored as clear-text.
Properties A list of the properties configured for this library entry.
SecurityProvider Gets the security provider for this library settings entry.
SsoEnabled Indicates whether this Library Setting Entry instance is enabled to support SSO (Single Sign On) to the backing Repository, or not.
Text The library name as known to the client.
User The optionally configured user name used to connect to the library.
WorkingDir The WorkingDir is set by looking at the QLAppContext WorkingDir property and appending the current library name to it.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) 
FirePropertyChanged Fires a PropertyChanged event for the named property.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
MountLibraryOverloaded. Mounts the library, connecting to the library server using the configured user name and password. If the User or Password properties are empty, this method should fail.
SetLibrary Allows the mounted library to be set. Will throw and ArgumentException if the Library name doesn't match the LibraryName property of this settings instance.
SetSecurityProvider Sets the security provider. This was not put on the SecurityProvider Property as a set{...} because it caused an exception during the deserialization of the libraries.xml file. This is a work-around.
ToString This object's ToString is actually the entry's library name.

Public Instance Events

PropertyChanged Event that is raised when a qualifying property is changed.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

QLLibrarySettingsEntry Class | Spss.Dimensions.Library.Specification Namespace