Developer Documentation Library > Mobile SDK > Disconnected mobile application reference > Mobile Synchronization Web Service (MobileSyncWebService) reference > Uploading respondent data
Uploading respondent data
When the mobile application uploads respondent data, it must include responses, sample data, and Quota XML in the RespondentData XML. The following diagram illustrates the respondent data structure:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
For information regarding the respondent data schema, see RespondentData XML.
Use the /Projects/PROJECT/RespondentData URL to POST respondent data.
Respondent data structure
The mobile application is responsible for composing the Response XML. The mobile application must ensure that only updated responses are uploaded.
Sample Data
Sample data requires all client sample records, including records that were not modified. The mobile application must ensure that all sample records are uploaded.
If the specified sample records are modified, the record's SampleHistory field must be provided. Sample records can have multiple SampleHistory fields; each modification consists of a single SampleHistory field.
Quota requires all quota data, including data that was not modified. The QuotaHistory field must be provided when quota cells are modified. Each Quota cell can include multiple QuotaHistory fields; each modification consists of a single QuotaHistory field.
See also
Mobile Synchronization Web Service (MobileSyncWebService) reference