LevelOtherDataX table
The LevelOtherDataX tables store text, real, date, and object responses that belong to LevelDepth at X.
The identifier for the respondent associated with this response. The identifier is unique within each project within the database. The Serial column stores the Respondent.Serial system variable. When a record is written, Relational MR Database CDSC generates an error if the serial number already exists for the same project within the database, and generates a new serial number if Respondent.Serial does not exist or is blank.
Key: Yes
Column type: Integer
Linked: No
SerialX (where X is 1, 2, 3, and so on)
The number of columns of type SerialX depends on the depth of unexpanded loop variables in the hierarchy.
[Serial1 ..SerialX] is the unique identifier for this row if LevelDepth is X.
For example, [Serial1.. Serial3] is the unique identifier for this row when LevelDepth is 3.
Each column of type SerialX is part of the primary key.
Key: Yes
Column type: Integer
Linked: No
Key: Yes
Column type: Integer
The ID of the variable to which this response corresponds.
Linked: Variables.VariableID
For categorical variables, the order in which responses are chosen. The value is auto-incrementing and provides a unique primary key. No conclusions should be drawn from the numbers in this column (the order is not consistently assigned). The order is indexed from 0. For non-categorical responses, this should always be set to 0.
Key: Yes
Column type: Smallint
Linked: No
The value for Text type responses. The SQL Server row size limit means that the maximum number of characters is 4000.
Key: No
Column type: Nvarchar
Linked: No
The value for Real type responses.
Key: No
Column type: Float
Linked: No
The value for Date type responses.
Key: No
Column type: Datetime
Linked: No
The value for Object type responses. The actual database type for this column varies. In SQL Server, it is an image column.
Key: No
Column type: Image
Linked: No
See also