Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Available DSCs > Triple-S DSC > Reading from Triple-S files > Names and labels when reading from Triple-S files
Names and labels when reading from Triple-S files
Variable names
When using a Triple-S metadata file to read a Triple-S case data file, the Triple-S DSC converts each Triple-S variable name into a valid UNICOM Intelligence Metadata Model (MDM) variable name. The changes include the following:
If a name is longer than 128 characters, only the first 128 characters are used.
If the name contains a period (.), it is replaced by an underscore (_).
If a name differs from a previous name only in case, the Triple-S DSC issues an error message.
The Triple-S DSC stores the original Triple-S variable name in the corresponding MDM variable's AliasName property. If the generated MDM document is used to create further Triple-S files, the Triple-S DSC will use the value of AliasName to name the corresponding Triple-S variable.
Category names
Category names are created in the same way as variable names; however, if you want to base them on the code (for example, _1, _1, _3), add the UseCodeForCategoryNames option, and then set its value to True.
If the code is a negative number, the absolute value is used and the name is prefixed by two underscore characters; for example, -99 becomes __99.
The Triple-S DSC maps default, multilingual, and specialized (modal) texts in Triple-S <title>, <label>, and <value> elements to MDM labels as follows.
By default, the Triple-S DSC sets the MDM document's base language to the language specified by the system locale. However, if the Triple-S metadata's <sss> element includes a languages attribute, the Triple-S DSC adds all the languages identified by the value of that attribute to the MDM document and sets the MDM document's base language to the first language specified by that attribute. The Triple-S DSC then maps all Triple-S default texts to MDM labels in the base language and maps all language-specific texts to MDM labels in the corresponding language.
The Triple-S DSC maps Triple-S default and specialized texts to labels in MDM user contexts as follows:
MDM user context in which Triple-S DSC will create labels...
Modes defined in Triple-S <sss> element
for Triple-S default texts
for Triple-S analysis-specific texts
for Triple-S interview-specific texts
(not mapped)
(not mapped)
analysis only
(not mapped)
interview only
(not mapped)
analysis and interview
See also
Triple-S DSC
Reading from Triple-S files