Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Available DSCs > mrScript MDSC (mrRoutingScript MDSC) > Other types of routing items
Other types of routing items
The mrRoutingScript MDSC does not generate mrScriptBasic statements for routing items marked as IsSystem, empty routing items, and Quancept script items. However, if the routing item has a name, the mrRoutingScript MDSC will generate a Line Label for the routing item.
Although they cannot be created in the Build activity, classes, compounds, and arrays are processed in the same way as questions and pages.
Other types of routing items can be referenced by Goto's, in which case the mrRoutingScript MDSC generates a line label for the item. For more information about line labels, see Questions and response-based Goto's.
Other types of routing items are as follows:
In the Build activity, Notes are a means for the questionnaire designer to add comments to the questionnaire that are not part of the interview. For a note with the name YoungNote and the text "Section for young people", the script generated is:
' Section for young people
If a Goto refers to a Note, the name of the Note is used for the line label.
Conditional Goto's (If..Goto)
For conditional Goto's, the mrRoutingScript MDSC generates an If statement as shown in the following example:
If PetTypes.ContainsAny({Cat, Dog}) Then Goto CatsAndDogs
However, if you set the value of the LongGotos property to True, the mrRoutingScript MDSC generates the If statement as follows:
If PetTypes.ContainsAny({Cat, Dog}) Then
Goto CatsAndDogs
End If
Unconditional Goto's
The mrRoutingScript MDSC generates a Goto statement, as shown in the following example:
Goto Gender
Exit items
For example, for an exit item named EndEarly that has an exit code of 59, the mrRoutingScript MDSC generates the following script:
IOM.Terminate(59 , True, TerminateStatus.tsCompleted)
If a Goto refers to a exit item, the name of the exit item is used for the line label.
The script generated for a bookmark called Young, for example, is simply an mrScriptBasic line label:
The line label is generated even if it is not referenced by a Goto.
IOM script items and script library items
Because these items are written in mrScriptBasic, the mrRoutingScript MDSC simple inserts the item into the generated routing script. The mrRoutingScript MDSC also adds comments before and after the item, for example:
'--- Start of IOM Script item <script item name>
'--- End of IOM Script item <script item name>
See also
mrScript MDSC (mrRoutingScript MDSC)