I want to use an MDSC (or CDSC) object in Visual Basic, but I get an invalid class string error when trying to create the object using CreateObject("myDSC").
In UNICOM Intelligence, the DSC's are often known by their short names, such as "mrSavDSC", "mrQvDSC", and so on. However, these names are not the proper COM class names that are required by the CreateObject function. For example to create the SPSS SAV MDSC object, the operation is CreateObject("mrSavDSC.SavMetadata").
You can use the
DSC Explorer sample application to find out the class name string for a registered DSC.
An alternative way of creating the object is to use the DSC Registration component, as shown in the mrScriptBasic examples in
Example 5: Creating Quancept script and mrScriptMetadata from an .mdd file.
See also