Developer Documentation Library > Scripting > Expressions
Expression evaluation
Expression evaluation is performed by the UNICOM Intelligence Evaluate component, which is part of the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model. The component is used by the Case Data Model (CDM), the Metadata Model (MDM), and the mrScript engine. This section documents the expression evaluation and includes the following:
Operator precedence. Describes the order in which operators are evaluated when there is more than one operator in an expression.
Arithmetic operators. Describes the behavior of the addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and modulus (Mod) arithmetic operators on UNICOM Intelligence Data Model variables of various types.
Categorical set logic. Summarizes the set operations for categorical variables.
Comparison operators. Describes the behavior of the equal to (=), not equal to (<>), less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), greater than (>), and greater than or equal to (>=) comparison operators on UNICOM Intelligence Data Model variables of various types.
Categorical comparison operators. Summarizes how comparison operators work with categorical variables.
Like operator. Describes the Like operator, which is a special comparison operator that can be used to compare two text values.
Logical operators. Describes the And, Or, Xor, and Not logical operators.
Complex expressions. Provides some examples of using more than one operator in an expression.
Hierarchical expressions. Provides information about using expressions when you are working with the hierarchical view of the data.
Null values. Describes the handling of NULL values and the differences between how they are handled by the Data Model and mrScriptBasic.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Function Library