Settings for Manage User Properties
Manage User Properties is the activity name of the User Properties menu point in User Administration. Its Web.config file is stored in:
The SPSS_ValidMdmRegEx key contains a regular expression that determines whether a property group name is valid. By default, property group names must start with a letter, which is then followed by any number of other letters, numbers, or underscore characters. This is specified in the file as:
<add key="SPSS_ValidMdmRegEx" value="^[\p{L}][\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pc}]*$"/>
To allow names that contain other characters, change the value of this key. For information on how to write regular expressions of this type, see:
Long InterviewerQualifications
InterviewerQualifications and other user properties set in User Administration have a maximum of 64 characters, because of limits when exporting to Microsoft Excel.
Allowing for longer values
To allow longer values for InterviewerQualifications, set the PropertyMaxLength value, for example:
<add key="PropertyMaxLength" value="100"/>
Using abbreviations to shorten names
if you want to use the Export feature of User Administration, you can use abbreviations to reduce the final name of the property to 64 characters or less.
User property names have the following format:
For example, if you have an InterviewerQualification called Language, the name is:
This name is 50 characters long, so if you use even longer names, you might exceed the 64 character limit.
You can create a mapping that replaces part of the name with a variable. For example, you can replace CATIinterviewer:InterviewerQualifications with %CI%, so that the exported name becomes CI:Language.
To setup a mapping, create a DPM property called UserPropertyNameMappings under Site\Properties. Set its value to <name>=%<short_name>%. To specify more than one mapping, separate them by using ; (semicolon). For this example, set:
See also