Developer Documentation Library > Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance > Recycling application pools
Recycling application pools
Recycle processes periodically, for both stability and performance reasons. Over long periods of time, leaked resources and system or application problems might affect Web server throughput. Balance this with recycling too often, however, since the cost of stopping the worker process, reloading pages and re-obtaining resources and data might override the benefits of a recycle.
If there is high load on the interviewing server, you might need to recycle the application pool once a day.
If there is low load, you can recycle the application pool once a week, or disable it completely.
By default, application pool recycling is disabled for the application pool.
You should record when an application pool recycles, because, when investigating an issue, it is useful to know if the issue occurred at the same time as an application pool recycle.
To set up recycling for the application pool
1 Open Internet Information Services Manager.
2 Expand the server node, and then select the Application Pools node.
3 Right‑click SPSSmrInterviewPool in the Application Pools list, and then click Advanced Settings.
The SPSSmrInterviewPool AppPool Advanced Settings dialog opens.
4 In the Recycling section, select the type of recycling you want, and then enter the additional information required.
5 In the Generate Recycle Event Log Entry section, check that a recycle event log will be generated for each type of recycle.
6 Click OK.
7 Repeat for any other interviewing tier application pools, and then close IIS Manager.
See also
Administration and maintenance