Changing the default item names used by the Build activity
When you create questionnaires in Build, you can either use the names that Build assigns to questionnaire items or create your own names. The default names are based on the item types, so you have questions named Quest1, Quest2, and so on, and shared lists called List1, List2, and so on. If you have a company standard, you can change Build so that it creates items with the names you want. Each item name then consists of the prefix you define, followed by a number.
The default item names are defined in the mdmext.en-us.resx file in C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\InterviewBuilder\res (or the equivalent if you have UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer set up to use a non-default website). If you have scriptwriters who work in a language other than English, you can also have a language-specific version of this file: mdmext.da.resx for Danish texts, for example. The easiest way to edit a .resx file is to use Microsoft Visual Studio, but since the files are text files you can edit them using a text editor.
Making changes using Microsoft Visual Studio
The value column shows the default names that Build uses for items and other texts that it needs to display. Select the texts you want to change and type in the new defaults. When you have finished, save your changes and close Visual Studio.
Making changes using a text editor
When you open a .resx file using a text editor, it is in XML format. Questions, for example, are defined as follows:
<data name="questionnameprefix">
<comment>This name can contain only letters, numbers and
the following characters _ @ $ #</comment>
Find the <data> tag for an item whose text you want to change and then, in the <value> tag, replace the existing default text with the new text you want to use.
See also