▪Log, project, and property objects. You can log events and change project and interview properties in the Sample Management script. This section describes these objects and their properties and methods.
▪ActivateDocument object model. This section describes the ActivateDocument objects and properties used for activating a project using information stored in an ActivateDocument.
▪DatabaseAgent component. A generic component that can be used for creating databases, tables, and indexes when uploading sample records.
▪Email component. Technical documentation about the Email component, including SQL scheduling tables, email MDM objects, email DPM properties, and the Email Object Model.
▪HTML Player component. Describes the component that outputs and renders the HTML code for interview pages.
▪Value Cache component. The value cache stores data and other information about interviews that are either in progress or that have timed out or been stopped. This section describes the component that controls this work.
▪ISessionEngines interface. The Session Engines interface is used in cluster configurations to register and unregister session engines with the Web tier.
▪ISessionEngine interface. The Session Engine interface manages the creation of interviews for inbound and outbound interviewing.
▪Sample Management Provider. Describes the object model for the Sample Management Provider, and also the XML schemas used by the Provider.
▪QSAMP Dialer Interface component. The dialer interface component provides communication facilities between UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer and the IBM SPSS Dialer autodialer.
▪Dialing Predict interface. The dialing predict interface returns the predicted number of calls that should be made based on the dialing statistics.
▪Dialing Statistics interface. The dialing statistics interface monitors the number of waiting interviewers for the group and logs the call attempt statistics for the last
n calls and the date/time for each call attempt.