Developer Documentation Library > Interview templates > UXUI custom properties > uxui_grid_col_width
The uxui_grid_col_width property sets the width of the columns in a grid.
Possible values
Specify each column’s width by using a comma‑separated list, for example:
"<width_column_1>, <width_column_2>, <width_column_3>"
The widths can be defined as a percentage of the total; as an em value; or by using the following keywords: equal or fit-content.
Sets the current column and all columns after it to be equal width, until a specified column width is reached. For example, "30%, equal" or "equal, 30%".
Sets the current column and all columns after it to fit to content, until a specified column width is reached. For example, "30%, fit-content" or "fit-content, 30%".
To set the total width of the grid, use the Width Style at the grid level.
To auto fit to the column widths, set Style.Width to auto.
Applies to
Grids only
See the following sections in “Features” example:
ThreeDGrid: Dropdowns in grids (three dimensional grids)
GridFormatting: Format specific columns, rows or cells in a grid
JobSatisfactionGrid and WorkplaceGrid: Multiple grids on one page
ExtraTitleGrid: Extra titles in the grid.
UXUI custom properties