GridCarousel template
The GridCarousel template displays each grid statement separately above the possible responses. The respondent chooses a response for a statement, and then the carousel rotates to show the next statement.
Associated uxui_template_props
Applies to
Grids containing single response questions
GridCarouselQ "How important are the following when deciding whether or not you to buy the product? (Select the response for each statement as it is displayed.)"
uxui_template_name = "GridCarousel"
Statement1 "Statement 1",
Statement2 "Statement 2",
Statement3 "Statement 3",
Statement4 "Statement 4",
Statement5 "Statement 5"
} fields -
Rating -
categorical [1..1]
VeryImportant "Very important",
QuiteImportant "Quite important",
NotAtAllImportant "Not at all important",
NA "Not Applicable"