Developer Documentation Library > Scripting > mrScriptMetadata User's Guide > mrScriptMetadata reference > Comments
To add comments to a script, use the comment symbol ('). Comments can occupy their own line in a script or can follow code statements.
' The Ageblock field demonstrates the use of
' the parent-level (\.) operator

AgeBlock "Age Information" block fields
Age "Your age?" long [1 .. 120];
Adult boolean expression ("\.Age >= 18"); ' Adult can refer to age
Blocking comments
To add block comments, enclose the comments in:
'! ... !'
This is useful for temporarily commenting out fields and keywords when you are developing and testing your script.
In this example, the labelstyle and style keywords are enclosed in block comments so that they will be ignored when the script is run:
Q1 "Rating"
'! Labelstyle ( Font ( Size = 12, IsBold = True) )
Style ( Control = ListBox ) !'
categorical [1] {High, Medium, Low};
mrScriptMetadata reference