Desktop User Guides > JDBC Driver > Connection string
Connection string
There are a number of connection properties that need to be specified when you access data using the JDBC Driver. When you access data using the UNICOM Intelligence products, this is generally invisible, because the products automatically set up all of the connection properties for you. However, when you use the JDBC Driver to access data, the connection properties need to be defined.
<connection-string> ::= jdbc:paswdatacollection://<hostname>:<port>; CustomProperties=(<properties>)
<properties> ::= <property>; | <property>; <properties>
<property> ::= <property-keyword> = ["]<property-value>["]
<property-keyword> ::= <identifier>
<property-value> ::= character-string
jdbc:paswdatacollection://dc-server:19999;CustomProperties=(Data Source=mrXmlDsc;Location=household.xml;
Initial Catalog=[INSTALL_FOLDER]\UNICOM\Intelligence\<version>\DDL\Data\XML\household.mdd)
For more information about the connection properties, see Connecting to the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model.
Standard connection properties
Connection string property values cannot include parenthesis characters ( ).
Connect Timeout
(Optional.) The length of time, in seconds, to wait for the initialization to complete.
Data type: A 32-bit, signed integer
Data Source
(Optional.) The CDSC name to be used with the connection. This is the component name of the CDSC ProgID (for example, mrRdbDsc). The JDBC driver can automatically selects the CDSC.
Data type: String
Initial Catalog
(Mandatory.) The name or location of the metadata source. For file or directory-based data stores, this is the path to the file or directory. The provider will treat a relative path as being relative to the metadata file specified in the Initial Catalog property. If Initial Catalog is not set, the provider will treat a relative path as being relative to the current directory. The provider resolves a relative path to an absolute path before passing it to the CDSC. For OLE DB-based data stores, this is the OLE DB connection string. For more information, see Connecting to a relational MR database.
Data type: String
(Optional.) The name or location of the data source. For file or directory-based data stores, this is the path to the file or directory.
Data type: String
(Optional.) This is used internally to filter the CDSCs in the Data Link Properties dialog (for example, so that only read-enabled CDSCs are listed when the Mode setting is read). Other uses of this property are reserved for future use.
Data type: String
(Mandatory.) The password to connect to the data source. This property should not be a blank string.
Data type: String
User ID
(Mandatory.) The user ID to connect to the data source. The user ID should have the appropriate authority to logon to the workstation where the service driver is installed.
Data type: String
See also
UNICOM Intelligence JDBC Driver
Updating the JDBC Service Driver to support custom connection property prefixes