Desktop User Guides > Professional > Data management scripting > Samples > Using the sample DMS files > Sample DMS files that integrate with Microsoft Office
Sample DMS files that integrate with Microsoft Office
To run these samples, you need to have Microsoft Office installed on your computer.
This uses the UNICOM Intelligence ADO DSC and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers to read data in the Authors sample Access database and transfer it to a .dat file using the Quantum DSC. The script also demonstrates creating and populating two new variables on the Quantum file, one to store a serial number and the other to contain persisted derived data. To run this sample, you need to have the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers and the ODBC data source called MS Access Database. For more information, see Transferring data from Microsoft Office.
This uses the UNICOM Intelligence ADO DSC and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers to read data in the Northwind sample Access database and transfer it to a .sav file using the UNICOM Intelligence SPSS Statistics SAV DSC. To run this sample, you need to have the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers and the ODBC data source called MS Access Database. For more information, see Transferring data from Microsoft Office.
This transfers a subset of the Short Drinks sample RDB database to an Access database. It provides an example of using the Microsoft ACE OLE DB Provider to write the data. Before you can run this sample, you need to create an Access database called DMSTransfers. For more information, see Writing data using other OLE DB providers.
This is an Include file that uses ADO to access the case data in the output data source and advanced SQL queries and Office automation to set up some charts in Excel. This Include file is designed to be used with text substitution as shown in the MSExcelChartsFromQuancept.dms sample. You need Excel to run this sample.
This exports data from the Museum sample Quancept (Museum.qdi and Museum.drs) data and then uses the MSExcelCharts.dms Include file to create charts in Excel. This sample also uses the QdiDrsInput.dms and DDFOutput.dms Include files to define the input and output data sources. You need Excel to run this sample.
This provides an example of selecting a subset of the variables in the Museum sample UNICOM Intelligence Data File (.ddf), creating two new variables and setting up case data for them in the OnNextCase Event section, and then displaying the data in Excel. This sample provides an example of using the Question.Categories collection to return the category that corresponds to a response to a categorical question and using it to display the category name and label. You need Excel to run this sample.
This uses ADO to access the case data in the output data source and advanced SQL queries to set up some tables that are displayed in Excel. For more information, see the second example shown in OnAfterJobEnd Event section. You need Excel to run this sample.
This uses the UNICOM Intelligence ADO DSC and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers to transfer data from an Excel file to a .dat file using the UNICOM IntelligenceQuantum DSC. To run this sample, you need to have the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers and the ODBC data source called Excel Files. For more information, see Transferring data from Microsoft Office.
This provides an example of using the UNICOM Intelligence ADO DSC and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers to transfer data from an Excel file to a UNICOM Intelligence Data File (.ddf). Before you run this sample, you need to edit the sample to insert the name and location of a suitable Excel file. To run this sample, you need to have the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers and the ODBC data source called Excel Files. For more information, see Transferring data from Microsoft Office.
This transfers a subset of the Museum sample UNICOM Intelligence Data File to Excel. It provides an example of using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers to write data to Excel. This sample includes code in the OnBeforeJobStarts Event section to create the empty Excel file in the output folder. To run this sample, you need Excel. For more information, see Writing data using other OLE DB providers.
This transfers a subset of the Short Drinks sample RDB database to Excel. It provides an example of using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers to write data to Excel. This sample includes code in the OnBeforeJobStarts Event section to create the empty Excel file in the output folder. To run this sample, you need Excel. For more information, see Writing data using other OLE DB providers.
This is an .mrs file that automatically generates and sends an email with an attachment. This file requires access to a Microsoft Exchange server and is designed to be used as an Include file with text substitution being used to insert the name of the Exchange server, the sender's and recipient's email addresses, and the name and location of the report file to send. Comments in the MSWordReport.dms sample show you how to do this. See FAQs on the differences between DMS and .mrs files for information about the differences between DMS and .mrs files.
This is an Include file that uses ADO to access the case data in the output data source and advanced SQL queries and Office automation to set up some charts in PowerPoint. This Include file is designed to be used with text substitution as shown in the MSPowerPointChartsFromQuanvert.dms sample. You need PowerPoint to run this sample.
This exports data from the Museum sample Quanvert database data and then uses the MSPowerPointCharts.dms Include file to create charts in PowerPoint. This sample also uses the DDFOutput.dms Include files to define the output data source. You need PowerPoint to run this sample.
This transfers a subset of the Short Drinks sample RDB database to a SQL Server database. It provides an example of using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. Before you can run this sample, you need access to a SQL Server installation that contains a database called DMSTransfers. For more information, see Writing data using other OLE DB providers.
This exports data from the Museum sample UNICOM Intelligence Data File, and then uses the MSWordToplines.dms Include file to create top line tables in Word and save them as Word .doc and HTML files. You need Word to run this sample.
This writes a cleaning report to a Microsoft Word document. This sample uses the DDFOutput.dms Include file to define the output data source, a UNICOM Intelligence Data File (.ddf). This file includes a “commented out” OnAfterJobEnd Event section, that uses the MSOutlookSendReport.mrs sample Include file to send the report as an email attachment. If you have access to a Microsoft Exchange Server, you can implement this by “uncommenting” the relevant lines and entering your email details. You need Word to run this sample.
This is an Include file that uses ADO to access the case data in the output data source and advanced SQL queries and Office automation to set up some top line tables in Word. This Include file is designed to be used with text substitution as shown in the MSWordMuseumToplines.dms sample. You need Word to run this sample.
UNICOM Intelligence Professional 7.5
Microsoft Office
Some scripts require the use of a SQL Server database
About the DMS samples
Using the sample DMS files