Desktop User Guides > Paper > Getting started > Formatting the Museum example > Applying Looks to the Museum example > Changing the display in the Apply Looks dialog
Changing the display in the Apply Looks dialog
1 Open the Apply Looks dialog again by choosing Apply Looks from the Paper menu.
At the top of the left pane, there is a box labeled Order By. This controls the order in which the questionnaire items are displayed.
2 Click the arrow in the Order By box.
There are three choices:
Position. Displays the items in the order in which they appear in the questionnaire.
Name. Displays the items in name order.
Type. Displays the items in type order. Each type appears as a separate folder.
3 Select Type.
The display changes to show a folder for each type of questionnaire item.
4 Double-click each folder to expand it.
The icons in each folder are different. They provide a quick way of identifying an item’s type.
Formatting the headings
See also
Applying Looks to the Museum example