Desktop User Guides > Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Questions and responses > Using HTML tags in question and response texts
Using HTML tags in question and response texts
The interview scripting language supports the following HTML tags inside question and response texts:
<b> ... </b>
Bold text
<i> ... </i>
Italic text
<u> ... </u>
Underlined text
Line break
Other HTML tags must be escaped. For example, to include & (ampersand) in a label, you must use &amp;. You must do this even if you are including an interview start URL in a link; for example, change:
StartSurvey "<a href = ""http://<server_identifier>/mrIWeb/mrIWeb.dll
?I.Project=<project_name>&Id=Test"">Click here to start the survey</a>"
StartSurvey "<a href = ""http://<server_identifier>/mrIWeb/mrIWeb.dll
  ?I.Project=<project_name>&amp;Id=Test"">Click here to start the   survey</a>"
For more information, see Names and labels.
Some special characters (for example, > and <) must be encoded to display them in question or response texts. However, they do not have to be encoded when used in tags in well‑formed HTML. Make sure that labels are well-formed HTML; that is, there is an opening tag and a closing tag, and the tags are properly nested. See also Labels.
Example of using HTML tags
KeyPoints "From the following list, what are the <b>two</b> main
    points you consider when choosing a restaurant for a family
    celebration?", categorical [2..2]
  Price, Location,
  ChildrenWelcome "Children are welcome",
  ChildMenu "Children's menus",
  FoodChoice "Wide choice of dishes",
  Vegetarian "Vegetarian options available on the main menu",
  SpecialDiet "Special diets catered for",
  Ambience "General feeling and ambience",
  NoSmoke "Non-smoking",
  AllowsSmoking "Smoking allowed"
See also
Questions with categorical responses