Desktop User Guides > Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Filtering questions and response lists > Filtering loops
Filtering loops
There are two types of filtering that you can do with loops:
Filtering the questions in a loop (ask some questions, but not others): Filter the questions so that only some of them are presented to the respondent.
Filter a categorical or numeric loop control list so that the questions within the loop are asked for certain repetitions only. See Filtering the repetitions of loops with categorical control lists and Filtering the repetitions of loops with numeric control lists.
You can perform both types of filtering on the same loop at the same time if necessary.
This section also covers the following topics:
Random filtering for loops.
Filtering a grid using answers from a previous grid
Jagged grids (Hiding cells in a grid, giving the appearance of selective filtering in the grid)
Changing which questions are asked
See also
Filtering questions and response lists