Desktop User Guides > Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Multiple-language scripts > How to write and test multiple-language scripts
How to write and test multiple-language scripts
The general procedure for writing a multiple-language script is as follows:
1 Write the script in the base language for the project. In most cases this will be your native language, but in some cases it will be another language with which you are familiar.
You might need to write a question that asks what language the respondent speaks, but if the project uses sample management, you can often obtain this information from the sample records. You will not be able to test the script in these languages until it has been translated, but at least the statements will be there ready for when the translations exist.
Remember that any text that needs to be translated must appear in the metadata section of the script. In addition, if you are defining analysis elements in the script, only texts that appear in the main part of the response list can be translated. Texts in axis blocks are not translatable.
2 Test the script to ensure that it works as intended. Remember to check grammar and spelling at this point too, as errors might lead to incorrect or misleading translations later on. Also check that the question texts are unambiguous and that you have responses or other statements to cater for all eventualities.
If the questionnaire contains contexts (for example, for Web and telephone interviewing), remember to conduct interviews using every context.
3 Translate the texts in the metadata section using Translation Utility. If the questionnaire contains contexts, make sure that context-specific texts are translated.
For more information, see Translation Utility.
For information on adding and translating contexts, see Using MDM Label Manager with the Translation Utility.
Check that StandardTexts.mdd contains error messages in the languages you will be using for interviewing. If not, you must update the file with the appropriate translations. For more information, see Standard error messages.
If your templates contain text that is displayed during interviews, create language-specific versions of those templates and place them in the appropriate template folders. For more information, see Template types.
4 Activate the project and set the default questionnaire language to the language to use if the respondent’s language is not available. For more information on configuring questionnaires for activation, see Activating questionnaires. The UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server User's Guide contains similar information for the corresponding functionality in the Launch activity. See “Project Information” in the Launch section of the Guide.)
See also
Multiple-language scripts