Database categorization dialog
Use the Database Categorization dialog to create derived categorical variables (as database variables cannot be used directly in table definitions, filters, and tabulation).
To open the Database Categorization dialog
Select the variables, and then click Variables > Categorize > Database.
Select how derived variables are created for database variables.
Categorize all database variables
Creates derived variables are created for all database variables.
Categorize selected database variables
Creates derived variables for only selected database variables. This is the default setting.
Variable creation
▪Update existing variables. Creates categorical variables for database variables that have no derived variables. All database variables that have derived variables are also updated.
▪Create new variables. Creates categorical variables for database variables regardless of whether or not the database variables already have derived variables.
Fields on the Database Categorization dialog
Specify the settings for each database variable, and then click OK to create the derived variables.
Selected variables
Lists the database variables selected for categorization.
New variable name
Displays the new derived categorical variable name for the selected database variable. You cannot specify a new name if you selected Update existing variables.
Maximum number of categories
Limits the number of categories generated for each variable.
Generate the “Other” category for any other uncategorized data
Creates an “Other” directory to include any data not included in the generated categories. This option is not limited by the value defined for Maximum number of categories.
Treat empty values as
▪Not asked (NULL). When selected, empty and null values are ignored from base.
▪User-missing category. When selected, a category is created for empty and null values, allowing users to set a category label.
See also