Desktop User Guides > Interviewer > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Synchronization Console > Starting a synchronization
Starting a synchronization
To start synchronizations from the system tray
Right-click the synchronization system tray icon, and then click Synchronize Now.
To start synchronizations from UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Synchronization Console
Open UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Synchronization Console, and then click Synchronize Now.
Synchronizing only the logged-in user
By default, the synchronization process synchronizes data for all interviewers on a particular client computer. The SyncLoggedInUserOnly setting overrides the default synchronization behavior and only synchronizes data for the currently logged-in interviewer. The SyncLoggedInUserOnly setting is defined in the IPlayerSyncMgr.exe.config file that is in:
  <add key="SyncLoggedInUserOnly" value="true"/>
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Synchronization Console
Starting and stopping synchronization