Desktop User Guides > Author > Activating questionnaires > Activation templates
Activation templates
You can set up activation options for use in specific circumstances, and save the options as activation templates, so that you can use them later when activating other projects.
Creating an activation template
1 Save the questionnaire file, and then select the routing that you want to activate.
2 Click Tools > Activate or press Alt+T, A.
3 In the UNICOM Intelligence Login dialog, enter the following:
Destination Server or UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin URL: Enter the name or URL of the server where UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin is located (for example, http://server_name/SPSSMR/DimensionNet/default.aspx). Use this to connect to a server using an internet or intranet link.
User name and Password: Enter a valid Windows or UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin user name, and their password.
Authentication: Select UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin Authentication or Windows Authentication (if UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin is configured for Active Directory).
Login using my Windows Account: When selected, the User name, Password, and Authentication fields are disabled and your current Windows login credentials are used.
4 Click Login. If the login credentials are valid, you are presented with the Activate - Current Project Open from UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin dialog.
By default, the Activate - Current Project dialog displays in the Basic settings mode. To create a activation template, you must use Advanced mode. Advanced mode provides options for configuring various activation and project settings.
5 To go to Advanced mode, click More >>, and then see Activate Current Project: Project settings.
Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to navigate through the Activate advanced mode options.
6 After configuring the activation settings, you can save the activation template to the local file system or to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin.
See also
Saving activation templates to the local file system
Saving activation templates to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin
Loading activation templates from the local file system
Activate Current Project: Project settings
Project details
Project: Interviewing
Project: Roles
Project: Display Fields
Activate Current Project: Personal settings
See also
Activating questionnaires