Activate project
Run the complete activation process. This is the default and only option the first time you activate a project (even if that project does not use Sample Management or Quota Control).
Update project
Run all aspects of the Update Project part of the activation process.
Update project database
Update the information held for this project in the project database.
Update project files
Update the project files (<project_name>.xxx) for this project.
Update FMRoot
Copy files from <FMRoot>\Shared into to <FMRoot>\Master.
Update interview server files
Copy files from FMRoot\Master to the Projects folder on all UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin instances.
Update master MDM document
Update the master base language for this project to be the one specified in Questionnaire Base Language on the Project Settings tab.
Update project in DPM
Update the basic project information held for this project in DPM. If you are activating the project just to change its status, selecting this task and no others makes the change in the shortest possible time.
Update sample management
Run all aspects of the Sample Management part of the activation process.
Update sample management in DPM
Update the Sample Management information held for this project in DPM.
Update sample management database
Update the CATI Sample Management information held for this project in DPM.
Update quota
Run all aspects of the Quota Control part of the activation process.
Update quota database
Update the project’s quota database with information about the project’s Quota Control requirements.
Update quota in DPM
Update the Quota Control information held for this project in DPM.
Update phone interviewing
Run all aspects of the “Update Telephone” part of the activation process.
Update e-mail jobs
Update the project’s email setup information.