Desktop User Guides > Data Entry > Data Entry Player > Resolving verification conflicts
Resolving verification conflicts
As you key entries in Verification mode, the Data Entry Player compares them to the entries for the same variable that were keyed in Initial Entry mode.
If your entry is different from what was first keyed in Initial Entry, the Data Entry Player asks you to choose the correct entry to be included in the data. The Data Entry Player preventing you from keying more variables, and emits an alert tone.
Entry Verification dialog
The Entry Verification dialog window notifies you that an entry conflict exists, identifies the variable and question text where the conflict occurs, displays the entries that are in conflict, and provides a means to either select a correct entry from among the choices given, or re-key the entry.
When displaying entries that are in conflict, you can review both the entry made by the Initial Entry operator as well as the entry that you just keyed in Verification mode. The Initial Entry data appears on the left-hand side of the dialog; the Verification data appears on the right side of the dialog.
If the conflict occurs for a categorical question, the dialog displays the full response list for each of the two entries for comparison purposes. If the conflict occurs for a Numeric, Text, DateTime, or Boolean question, the dialog displays both entries in full for comparison purposes.
Resolving a verification conflict
If the Initial Entry data is correct, click Accept Initial Entry, or press Alt+I or F7. The entry made in Verification mode is ignored and the entry made in Initial Entry mode carries through as data.
If your own entry (made in Verification mode) is correct, click Accept Verification Entry, or press Alt+V or F8. The entry made in Initial Entry is overwritten by the entry made in Verification mode.
If neither the entry made in Initial Entry mode nor your entry in Verification mode are correct, click Re-enter Value, or press Alt+R or Esc. You can then edit the entry in the Entry Panel.
Data Entry Player