Viewing logs
There are multiple ways to view the log files when disconnected from an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server:
▪Use the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Synchronization Console and select the Logs tab to view logs that are not archived in the log directory.
▪Query the logs using the DM Query utility. The utility is installed with the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
▪View the logs with a text editor.
Depending on your needs, the DataCollectionAudit_Analysis.ddf, which contains a subset of logging information, might be the most useful log file. The file keeps track of who edits and/or validates each case for any project batch. It also includes information for data entry cases. The information resides in a copy of the audit data file that resides with each project. The information stays with a project as it is moved from computer to computer using deployment packages (.dpz files).
See also