Desktop User Guides > Professional > Data management scripting > Transferring data using a DMS file > Reading data > Transferring data from Microsoft Excel
Transferring data from Microsoft Excel
You can transfer data from Open XML based Microsoft Excel workbooks (.xlsx files) by using the Microsoft Excel Files DSC.
Reading from an .xlsx file
In the connection string in the InputDataSource section, specify mrExcelOpenXmlDsc for the MR Init MDSC and Data Source properties. Specify the name and location of the Excel file (.xlsx) for the Initial Catalog connection and Initial Catalog connection properties and the name of the worksheet in MR Init Project:
ConnectionString = "Provider=mrOleDB.Provider.2; _
Data Source=mrExcelOpenXMLDsc; _
MR Init MDSC=mrExcelOpenXMLDsc; _
Initial Catalog=<name and location of the Excel file>; _
Location=<name and location of the Excel file>; _
MR Init Project=<name of the Excel worksheet to read from>"
SelectQuery = "SELECT * FROM vdata"
End InputDataSource
Reading data