Desktop User Guides > Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Creating questionnaire wizards for UNICOM Intelligence Author > Storing the questionnaire wizard for use by UNICOM Intelligence Author users
Storing the questionnaire wizard for use by UNICOM Intelligence Author users
After you have created your new questionnaire wizard, you can store it in a local UNICOM Intelligence Author library, the UNICOM Intelligence Question Repository, or a project template where it can be accessed by UNICOM Intelligence Author users.
Storing a questionnaire wizard in the local library
To store a Questionnaire wizard in the local library, save the Source .mdd file to the UNICOM Intelligence Author Library File Location (by default, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\Author Library). The user should then be able to use the wizard by selecting the Source file from the Library pane in UNICOM Intelligence Author.
The associated Wizard .mdd file can be stored anywhere as long as the Source file correctly points to it in the WizardPath property. However, it is recommended that you store the Wizard file close to the Source file. To prevent UNICOM Intelligence Author users from seeing the Wizard file in the Library pane, save it in a directory named QWzd, or one that ends in .mdd_files. This tells UNICOM Intelligence Author not to display the directory or its contents.
The following example shows a recommended directory structure for a “Constant Sum” questionnaire wizard:
Constant Sum.mdd
Constant Sum.mdd_Files
Constant sum templates
Constant Sum Wizard.mdd
Storing a questionnaire wizard in the UNICOM Intelligence Question Repository
The UNICOM Intelligence Question Repository stores a root item (an .mdd file) along with any number of attached files. When these items are extracted, the attached files then appear in a <rootitem>_files subdirectory (where rootitem is the name of the root item being stored). If you do not take this change in directory structure into account, your Source .mdd file might be unable to find the Wizard.
This is how the directory structure would be extracted from the UNICOM Intelligence Question Repository:
Constant Sum.mdd
              Constant Sum.mdd_Files
                    Constant sum templates
                    Constant Sum Wizard.mdd
The Wizard files are now in a new Constant_Sum_files directory. Therefore, the WizardPath specified in Constant Sum.mdd would no longer be valid unless it took this new directory structure into account. As a result, Constant Sum.mdd would be treated as a normal, non-wizard library item by UNICOM Intelligence Author.
To address this issue, make a copy of the Source .mdd file and modify the WizardPath to reflect the new directory structure used by the UNICOM Intelligence Question Repository. For example, WizardPath=./QWzd/Constant Sum Wizard.mdd would become WizardPath=./Constant_Sum_files/QWzd/Constant Sum Wizard.mdd.
Storing a questionnaire wizard in a project template
To store a Questionnaire wizard in project template, save the source .mdd file to the project template _files directory (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\ example_files). WizardPath should point to this directory. Refer to Project templates.
See also
Creating questionnaire wizards for UNICOM Intelligence Author