Desktop User Guides > Professional > Table scripting > Table specification syntax > Element properties > Specifying the calculation scope for elements that use factors
Specifying the calculation scope for elements that use factors
If you use factors to calculate a mean, standard deviation, standard error or sample variance, you can specify whether you want the mean to be calculated for all the elements, or for just those elements preceding the mean element in the table.
This example calculates the mean for the first two age categories, 11-16 years and 17-20 years:
age{base(), E1116_years, E1720_years, mean() [CalculationScope=PrecedingElements], E2124_years, E2534_years}
This example calculates the mean for all the specified age categories:
age{base(), E1116_years, E1720_years, mean() [CalculationScope=AllElements], E2124_years, E2534_years}
The default calculation scope is AllElements when you create the mean in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation. The default is PrecedingElements when the mean exists in the metadata. This is for compatibility with Quanvert data sources.
For further details see CalculationScope in Table Object Model reference.
See also
Element properties