Desktop User Guides > Reporter > Getting started with UNICOM Intelligence Reporter > Adding a filter
Adding a filter
You can apply filters to your data, so that only those cases meeting certain conditions are included in the results. The following example shows how make a copy of the table of age by gender, and filter out all respondents of 16 years of age and under.
Create a filter to exclude respondents aged 16 and under
1 In the Tables pane, select the table you created in Creating crosstabulations.
2 Click Edit > Copy, and then Edit > Paste.
A new table called Copy of Age by gender is added to the Tables pane. The new table contains all the information from the original table, including the change to the cell contents.
3 In the Design pane, change the table description to say Age by gender, filtered.
4 Select the Filter pane.
5 In the Filter description field, enter the text: Excludes 16 and under. This description will appear as a header in the Results pane.
6 In the Variables pane, select the age variable.
7 Drag the variable onto the filter area.
A list of the categories appears to the right of the category name.
8 Select Includes none of these, and then select 11-16 years.
The filter is applied to the table when you click away from the Filter pane or generate the results.
9 To generate the results, press F5.
The 38 respondents aged 11 to 16 have been removed from the table, and the original table base value of 602 has been reduced to 564.
10 Press Ctrl+S to save the new table.
Changing the content of rows and columns
See also
Getting started with UNICOM Intelligence Reporter