Desktop User Guides > Reporter > Applying statistical tests > Diagnostics information
Diagnostics information
When you run a statistical test on a table, you can optionally write out UNICOM Intelligence Reporter diagnostics information that shows the p values and some of the intermediate figures used to calculate the statistics. The information is in comma-delimited format, so you can open it in Microsoft Excel and perform calculations on the data.
The diagnostics file contains information for each table that contains a statistical test. The first line of the section describes the table, whether there is overlap in the columns tested, whether the table is weighted or unweighted, and whether the effective base was used. This is followed by additional information for each test.
The first column indicates the type of test:
CHI: Chi-square test and/or Fisher's exact test
CPT: Column proportions test
CMN: Column means test
NTP: Net difference test for a category row
NTM: Net difference test for a mean row
PPT: Paired preference test.
The remaining information is different for each test.
Writing the diagnostics information to a file
You can write the diagnostics information to a text file using script similar to the following:
'Enable the generation of diagnostics information for the statistical test
TableDoc.RawStatisticsDataEnabled = True

'Create and populate the tables as required

' Write out the diagnostics information for the statistical tests
Dim fso, txtfile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtfile = fso.CreateTextFile("StatisticalTestsDiagnostics.csv", True)
Giving the text file a .csv filename extension makes it easy to subsequently open the file in Excel.
See also
Diagnostics information: Chi-square test
Diagnostics information: Cell chi-square test
Diagnostics information: Column proportions test
Diagnostics information: Column means test
Diagnostics information: Net difference test
Diagnostics information: Paired preference test
Applying statistical tests