Installation Guides > Scripted installation and uninstallation
Scripted installation and uninstallation
Silent installation
To install UNICOM Intelligence programs silently, you can use the command line installation. This is available for installation programs that do not require interaction: that is, the installation programs for Desktop, Interviewer, Data Entry, Data Model, and so on. For example, to install Desktop from the command line, see Installing UNICOM Intelligence Desktop from the command line.
For an example installation script for Interviewer that includes installation of the prerequisite software, see:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Administration Tools\UI_Install_Interviewer.bat
Silent uninstallation
To uninstall UNICOM Intelligence silently, run this script:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Administration Tools\UI_Uninstall.bat
This script silently uninstalls all products, including interim fixes, fix packs, and the GA release.
The script gets information about interim fixes from the registry (at HKLM\SOFTWARE\SPSS\Dimensions\<6.0>/<7.0>\Installations). This information is also available in DPM at Site | Clusters | Default | Servers | ServerName | Installed | InterimFixes; however, this location is reliable only if the installing user or a user with similar permissions has been used to install the interim fixes.
Silent upgrade
To upgrade UNICOM Intelligence silently, first run the UI_Uninstall.bat script to uninstall the products, and then run the upgrade process.
The upgrade process alone cannot uninstall the interim fixes, fix packs, or the GA release, because the Windows Installer can run only one MSI process at a time.