Uninstalling UNICOM Intelligence Desktop
Use the Windows Control Panel to remove UNICOM Intelligence Desktop.
A message will be displayed when uninstallation is complete. The amount of time this takes depends on how many UNICOM Intelligence Desktop products you uninstall.
Uninstalling from the command line
You can remove using the command line. This is useful for system administrators who want to uninstall using “silent uninstallation”. A silent uninstallation runs on its own without intervention so users are not required to provide input to dialogs.
1 Open a command prompt, and then change to the directory containing the installation program.
2 Enter a command in the following format to uninstall:
start [/WAIT] /s /v"/qn [/l*v \"<logfile>\"] remove=<product_name>"
Command line options
(Optional.) Tells the command prompt to wait until the command is finished before returning. This is useful in a silent uninstallation, as otherwise the log needs to be continually examined to determine when the uninstallation is complete.
(Required.) Hides the initialization dialog.
(Required.) Passes parameters to the MsiExec.exe application.
(Required.) Runs the uninstallation without displaying the external user interface.
/l*v \"<logfile>\"
(Optional.) Runs the uninstallation with verbose logging, and logs to a specified file.
(Required.) Defines the products to uninstall. Replace <product_name> with one or more of the following.
To uninstall multiple products, separate names with a comma (not spaces).
To uninstall everything, use All.
The following example uninstalls all UNICOM Intelligence Desktop applications without logging the installation:
/s /v"/qn remove=All"
The following example uninstalls UNICOM Intelligence Author and Survey Reporter, and then records the uninstallation messages in a file called C:\log2.txt:
/s /v"/qn /l*v \"C:\log2.txt\" remove=Author,ReportsForSurveys"
The following example does the same as the previous example, but waits for the uninstallation to complete before returning to the command prompt:
start /WAIT /s /v"/qn /l*v \"C:\log2.txt\" remove=Author,SurveyReporter"
See also