Changed DPM settings
The following DPM settings are overwritten when you prepare a server where UNICOM Intelligence software is not already installed.
1 When the Accessory Server is installed, DPM settings that are defined in the provided Interview.SiteProps.xml file are overwritten, including the following (examine the XML file to view all settings):
▪Application load balancing True/False setting.
▪Default settings for Web, Phone, and Personal interviewing used in the Launch and Phone Surveys activities (including predefined queues, required participant field definitions, and call outcomes).
▪Default database indexes that are used when setting up participant databases.
▪Default filters for the phone Reports and Export Data activities.
▪Default review parameters.
2 DPM settings that are defined in the provided DimensionNet.SiteProps.xmlfile are overwritten. Settings include the session database definition and expiry time. Examine the XML file to view all settings.
3 The DPM property Site > Properties > Brad_Script_Delete.
DPM activity settings are also overwritten. When an Accessory server is installed, the UNICOM Intelligence installer re-registers each activity. If activity properties are updated through a fix pack or interim fix, those properties are also be overwritten by the UNICOM Intelligence installer. For example, when a report script in the Interviewing activity is updated through an interim fix, the report script is overwritten by the UNICOM Intelligence installer.