Installation Guides > Installing Server > Troubleshooting UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server > How do I create an installation log file?
How do I create an installation log file?
If you are having problems installing the application and you cannot see from the existing error messages what the problem is, you might be able to solve the problem by creating a log file as the installation procedure is running. To do this, you must run the installation program manually, as follows:
1 Open a command prompt, and then go to the directory containing the installation program, UNICOM Intelligence Server 7.5.1.exe.
2 To log just the application part of the installation, type:
UNICOM Intelligence Server 7.5.exe /V"/l*v <log_filename> /i"
where <log_filename> is the full pathname, including drive letter, of the log file you want to create. To log the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin part of the installation as well, type:
UNICOM Intelligence Server 7.5.exe /V"/l*v <log_filename> LOGDIM_INSTALL=TRUE /i"
This creates a log file called:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7.5\Installer\Interviewer Server Administration\DimInstallLog.txt
Troubleshooting UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server