Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server Admin > Managing projects > Project names and IDs
Project names and IDs
Every project has a name and an ID:
The name is the name by which the project is identified in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin. It is for display purposes only and you can change it at any point.
The ID is the name that the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin activities uses when creating files associated with the project, so it is usual to make it the same as the project name if possible. Once the ID has been set you cannot change it even if you change the project name.
Project names are unique to each customer account. After deleting a project, other users can not create a new project with the same name as the deleted project, unless they are assigned to the same customer account in which the deleted project was created.
Project id rules
Because the project ID is used in filenames it has to be something that is valid for filenames. The rules are these:
The ID must be unique.
It must start with a letter (A – Z, a – z).
The rest of the name can contain letters and the digits 0 to 9.
If the project name meets these criteria, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin uses it as the project ID (you can change this if you want). If not, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin copies the name and then makes the following changes in an attempt to make it acceptable. Once an acceptable ID emerges, no further changes are made.
Remove invalid characters (non-English letters or punctuation, for instance). If this results in a zero-length ID, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin generates an ID based on your user name:
If the ID starts with a number UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin inserts the letter A at the start of the ID.
If the ID is longer than 64 characters it is truncated to that length.
If the ID is not unique UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin appends a number in the range 1 to 999. Numbers are chosen in sequence starting with 1 so this allows for 999 files with the same root to the filename (ID_1 to ID_999, for instance). If adding a number would make the ID longer than 64 characters, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin removes characters from the end of the ID before appending the number.
If none of these changes results in a valid project ID, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin generates an ID based on your user name and the date and time, modifying it to produce a unique and valid ID if necessary; for example, ben0501191226.
When customer accounts are employed, the generated ID is prefixed by the customer account name (for example, customeraccountname_ben0501191226).
See also
Managing projects