Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server Admin > Files > Checking files into the shared folder
Checking files into the shared folder
When you check a file in to the shared folder, it moves from your user folder to the shared folder and becomes available to anyone who has access to the project. The file's status changes to Checked In. All files that are in the shared folder have an icon with two faces next to them.
When you change a file or create one, and you want it to be available to other users, you must check it in to the shared area. This is particularly important if you are working on a project with other people. A number of activities default to using files from the user's working folder if they exist, so you must check in any files that are in your user folder, so that other users can then check them out from the shared folder.
For recommendations about when to check in files, see When to check files in and out.
To check files into the shared folder
1 In the list of project files, select the Private or Checked Out files you want to check in.
2 Click Files > Actions > Check In.
3 If the file is an .mdd file and there is already an .mdd file in the shared folder, the Files activity merges new or changed information into the existing file to create a new version of the questionnaire.
See also