Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server Admin > User administration > Managing customer accounts > Customizing customer accounts > Advanced customization
Advanced customization
When a customer account is created, a new folder is created in the shared location at FMRoot\Shared\DataCollectionStyles\CustomerName. Within this folder a configure.xml file, that drives the Edit Customer Account dialog, is also created. The configure.xml file provides advanced users finer control of the account re-branding settings. For example:
  <Property Name="Logo File">ibmLogo.png</Property>
  <Property Name="CSS File">ibmCSS.css</Property>
  <Property Name="Default Page Picture">ibmDefault.png</Property>
  <Property Name="Home Page Url"></Property>
  <Property Name="BannerBG">mbbanner-bg.png</Property>
  <Property Name="BannerSwoosh">mbbanner-swoosh.png</Property>
  <Property Name="ProductName">mbproduct.png</Property>
  <Property Name="TabImages">TabImages</Property>
Logo file
Edit customer account field: Logo
Relative path to file or directory from customer account directory: ibmLogo.png
Replaces the company logo.
CSS File
Edit customer account field: CSS file
Relative path to file or directory from customer account directory: ibmCss.css
CSS stylesheet defining the custom style rules for the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin interface
Default Page Picture
Edit customer account field: Default page picture
Relative path to file or directory from customer account directory: ibmDefault.png
Launch page background image.
Home Page Url
Edit customer account field: Home page
Relative path to file or directory from customer account directory.
Customer web page.
Edit customer account field: Banner background image
Relative path to file or directory from customer account directory: mbbanner-bg.png
Background image for top the banner.
Edit customer account field: Banner overlay image
Relative path to file or directory from customer account directory: mbbanner-swoosh.png
Background image in the center of the top banner.
Edit customer account field: Product name image
Relative path to file or directory from customer account directory: mbproduct.png
The product name as an image in the top banner.
Edit customer account field: Tabs images
Relative path to file or directory from customer account directory: TabImages
Directory containing all the images used to create the tabs.
Organizing customer accounts
It is possible to organize a customer account using directories. For example, you can create an images directory to store all your account images. You must update the configure.xml file when using directories (for example, <Property Name="Logo File">images/ibmLogo.png</Property>).
See also
Customizing customer accounts