Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Email > Testing an email job
Testing an email job
To preview the email
1 On the Email text tab of the job, click Preview.
2 On the main email screen, add an email address to Send email to this address when test emails are sent or there are problems.
3 Click Send Test Email on the Email text tab of the job to send the email.
The test email does not include the substitutions, because it is not associated with a participant record.
To fully test emails
1 Upload some test records using Participants. Set the Test sample field to 1 to indicate these records are only for testing.
2 On the Participants tab, add “Test equal to 1” to the selection criteria, and then click Apply.
A list of the records that meet the criteria appears.
You can limit the number of emails sent by using Selected number of participants.
3 The emails are sent only to participants where the field chosen in “Write date and time that email was sent into the sample field named:” is empty. If an email has been previously sent to one of the participants, it is not be displayed in the list of records. You must either add more records, or use the Participants activity to set the date/time field to Null to indicate no email has been sent.
4 Click OK to save the job, and then click Send now to send the test emails.
5 The test emails contain the correct substitutions, so they can be used to test the link to start the survey.
6 Check the test emails, and then reset the record selection criteria and the Selected number of participants.