Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Quotas > Starting Quotas > Cross-matrix query
Cross-matrix query
After you click Cross-matrix, quotas display in the center of the main screen.
To set the number of records that display in each page (1 - 1000 records), change value in the Records per page box.
To sort the quotas, click a column header in the quota query table.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Expand or collapse the query settings pane.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Bulk edit quotas.
Filter tab
This tab provides options for constructing the selection criteria by choosing values from lists. By default, the Filter tab displays all quotas. You can choose to display only a selection of quotas, which provides an easy method for finding quotas. You can also specify which quotas display by defining specific selection criteria. For example, the criteria might be to select a single quota with a specific Quota_ID, or to select all quotas for which a matrix or target exist.
Fields tab
1 In Table Setup, choose which fields display on the main screen:
To add a field, select it in the Available Fields list, and then click Add.
To remove a field, select it in the Displayed Fields list, and then click Remove.
You can select multiple fields by pressing Ctrl or Shift when selecting fields.
2 In Table Setup, select the order in which fields display on the main screen.
To move a field to the left, select it in the Displayed Fields list, and then click Move Up.
To move a field to the right, select it in the Displayed Fields list, and then click Move Down.
3 Click Apply.
The number of completes for the quota cell.
The total completes, that are received from personal interviews, for the cell. The value is the total from all personal interviewers. For more information, see Download Options.
The actual targets for the cell that is distributed to personal interviewers.
The expression that is used to calculate whether the respondent falls into the quota cell. The expression is defined directly by the user for expression quotas, or generated from the table rules for table quotas.
The unique quota matrix number.
The name of the matrix as defined by the user in the Quota tool, or the default name that is assigned by the UNICOM Intelligence Quota application.
All Expression Quotas are held in a single matrix calledExpressions.
The number of quotas that are currently pending (the number of currently active respondents who fall into the quota cell).
The number of completes as a percentage of the target.
The number of quotas that are currently pending as a percentage of the target.
The prioritization type for quotas on multiple response questions. The following types are supported:
Least Full (Total)
Least Full (Ratio/Percentage)
For more information, see ‘Prioritizing Quota Cells for Multiple Choice Answers’ and ‘QuotaPendModes’ in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
When the Priority Prioritization type is selected, a Priority must be set for each Quota in a Matrix (otherwise the value is empty).
When the Prioritization is not Normal, the maximum number of cells to pend can be specified. The value is -1 for Normal Prioritization quotas.
The unique quota number.
The quota name, as defined by the user in the Quota tool for expression quotas, or the default name that is assigned for table quotas.
The number of times the pending counts were rolled back to exclude interviews that timed out, that stopped, or that ended because the interview failed another quota that occurs later in the script.
For more information, see Keeping track of quotas.
The target, as defined by the user, in the Quota application.
The total targets for the cell that is distributed to personal interviewers. The value is the total number of targets that are distributed to all interviewers. For more information, see Download Options.
The quota type describes what happens when the quota cell reaches the target. The following types are supported:
For more information, see Overquota and counter quotas and QuotaFlags in the Quota Object model.
Advanced tab
This tab provides options for defining the selection criteria by entering an expression similar to the WHERE expression in an SQL SELECT statement. You can also update selected quotas by entering expressions similar to the SET expression in an SQL UPDATE statement.
See also
Starting Quotas