Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Status
You use the Status activity to monitor the current status of a project. The report refreshes automatically every 60 seconds, which is useful if interviews are in progress. For a really up to date report you can request an immediate refresh.
Starting Status
Select the project you want to monitor and click Status.
The page displays a table showing the number of interviews with different outcomes achieved in active and test mode.
Refreshing the Report On Demand
Click the Refresh button This graphic is described in the surrounding text..
Status codes
The report groups interviews using the following status codes:
Completed successfully
Interviews that were successfully completed because respondents answered all questions that applied to them.
Active/In progress
Interviews that are currently in progress.
Timed out
Interviews that timed out before completion. This generally happens when a respondent takes more than ten minutes to answer a question (perhaps they are interrupted in the middle of the interview). If the respondent does not close their browser, the interview usually restarts when the respondent clicks Next (otherwise, you can restart from the URL). As long as the time-out period has not expired, the status of the interview remains Active.
Ten minutes is the default time-out period. Speak to your UNICOM Intelligence administrator if you see a lot of timed‑out interviews in your projects.
Stopped by script
Interviews that were terminated by a stop statement in the questionnaire script.
Stopped by respondent
Interviews that were stopped because the respondent clicked the Stop button. If the project does not use Sample Management, interviews in this state cannot be restarted.
Interview system shutdown
Interviews that were terminated due to a problem in the script.
Reserved for future use.
Stopped by signal
Interviews that were stopped by a signal statement in the questionnaire script.
Undetermined status
Interviews whose data collection status in the project’s case data file could not be matched to a valid status in the project’s questionnaire definition (.mdd) file. You should not see any interviews in this category.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin