Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer activities in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin > Publish Data > Advanced tab
Advanced tab
The Advanced tab provides options for selecting the UNICOM Intelligence project versions and the Cognos configuration file.
Choose specific versions
The table allows you to select the appropriate .mdd versions. When a single .mdd version or multiple versions are selected, the Version list on the Metadata tab will display Multiple versions.
Other options
The Publish Data settings can be saved to a Cognos configuration file or loaded from an existing Cognos configuration file.
Load Configuration Settings
This function is controlled by the Publish Data activity web.config file’s PublishData.AllowUploadConfig property. The default value is false because the DPM property can be automatically loaded (this results in the function not displaying in the user interface). The property can be set to true in cases where the function needs to load configurations in the Metadata tab.
Download current configuration file
Clicking this option saves the Publish Data settings to a configuration file, as the following example shows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ConfigurationSetting xmlns:xsi=""
  <DimensionQuestions > Age, Gender</DimensionQuestions >
  <MeasureQuestions > NumOfPersons</MeasureQuestions >
  <CaseDataConnectionString>Provider=MSOLEDBSQL.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Password=*;Persist
     Security Info=False;User ID=;Initial Catalog=MULITPLEV;Data Source=VM-LILI-2K3-SRV;
     Extended Properties=</CaseDataConnectionString>
  <CognosCreditials />
See also
Publish Data