Server User Guides > Survey Tabulation > Table documents > Managing template table documents
Managing template table documents
If you have the appropriate UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server Administration access permissions, you can create a template table document (.mtd) file that defines default settings for all table documents that users of the project create. For example, you might want the cell contents for all tables to contain only counts and to be filtered on a specific variable, or you might want to set up a number of tables and specify different cell contents and filters for each one.
Template table documents are specific to a project. When a template document exists for a project, new table documents created by any user of that project contain all the information that is in the template.
To install a template table document, you create a table document file called template.mtd and save it in the shared folder for a project. The template file can contain settings for individual tables or default settings that will apply to all tables created. It can also contain table definitions and filters, and it can even include results in table or chart format.
From release 4.5, new variables and edits to existing variables are also saved in the template document.
In UNICOM Intelligence Reporter Server Edition, it is not possible to manually define the template file’s save location. UNICOM Intelligence Reporter Server Edition always saves template files to the path: <SharedFolder>\template.mtd
There can be only one template document per project. The template document must be called template.mtd and must be checked into the shared folder for the project. All users who have access to the project will automatically see the template document settings in any new table documents that they create, though they can then change their table documents as they want. Any table documents that were created before the template was installed in the shared folder are not affected by the settings in the template.
If the template file is subsequently changed, existing user documents are not affected; only new table documents contain the changes made to the template file.
You can create a template document in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation, or you can use UNICOM Intelligence Reporter to generate a template file using a script. For information on creating .mtd files using a script, see “Table scripting” in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
If you are not sharing projects with anyone else and want to create a template for your own use, you must still save the file in the shared folder for the project (shared folders are automatically created when a project is created).
Creating a template document using UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation
Updating a template document
Deleting a template document
See also
Table documents