Displaying short names for variables that use namespaces
If your variable names use namespaces, you might want to display the variables in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter without using the full namespace, to improve the table display. For example, if your variables have names such as CompanyName.DivisionName.SurveyName.VariableName, you might only want the VariableName part to be displayed in the tables you create.
You can restrict the number of levels from the full namespace that are displayed in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter by editing the project properties in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin. The changes you make apply to all of the variables in a project.
To change the number of namespace levels displayed in variable names
1 In UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin, select the project, and then click the Edit Project Properties icon
2 In the Edit Project window, click the Properties tab.
3 In the Name field, choose <Click here to add property>.
4 Enter LevelsShown as the name of the property.
5 In the Value field, enter the number of levels from the namespace that you want to appear in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter. For example, to display only the final level from the namespace, type 1.
For projects containing grid variables, enter a value of at least 2 to ensure that the full grid name is displayed.
6 Click the Home button
to return to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin activities list.
See also