Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server Admin > Managing projects > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows project settings > Custom project setup for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows projects
Custom project setup for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows projects
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows allows you to run a custom setup script when the user first downloads a project. To run a custom setup script, provide a file named runonce.mrs in the same directory as the project (.mdd) file. When the project is synchronized with a remote device for the first time, the synchronization process attempts to run the runonce.mrs file as an mrScript. The script is not run again unless it is changed on the server.
The following example demonstrates how to obtain the current user and project via a runonce.mrs script.
' =============================================================
' This script demonstrates a way to use the RunOnce feature to pre-
' populate the case data from an Excel file that is delivered to
' each machine as part of synchronization.
' The script discovers most of what it needs to know from the
' data file and its location in the file system.
' =============================================================

Const DATA_FILE_NAME = "Sample.xls"
Const DATA_FILE_SHEET = "Sample"

' Get the project name and user id from the script path
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
Dim fso, path, user_folder, project_name, user_id
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

path = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")
Set user_folder = fso.GetFolder(path)

project_name = GetProjectName(user_folder)
user_id = GetUserId(user_folder)

' Setup a logger that will write to logs shown by the 'Synchronization Status'
Dim logger
Set logger = CreateObject("AppLog.AppLog")
logger.Open("MIV", 100)
logger.Log("RunOnce.mrs - Loading sample for project '" + project_name + "', user ID '" + _
user_id + "', from " + path + "\" + DATA_FILE_NAME, logLevels.LOGLEVEL_INFO)

' Connect to the case DB
Dim case_db, case_rs, records_added
Set case_db = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set case_rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
case_rs.Open("SELECT * FROM VDATA", case_db)
records_added = 0

' Connect to the sample data
Dim sample_db, sample_rs
Set sample_db = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
sample_db.Open(GetSampleDbConnectionString(DATA_FILE_NAME, DATA_FILE_SHEET))

' Get the sample for the current user
Set sample_rs = sample_db.Execute("SELECT * FROM VDATA WHERE LCase(UserId) = '" + LCase(user_id) + "'")

While NOT sample_rs.EOF
Dim respondent_id
respondent_id = sample_rs.Fields["RespondentId"]

' Add the sample if the respondent does not already exist
If IsNewRespondent(case_db, respondent_id) Then
' Add the record
Dim Fields[3], Values[3]
Fields[0] = "Respondent.Serial"
Values[0] = GetNextSerial(case_db)
Fields[1] = "Respondent.Id"
Values[1] = respondent_id
Fields[2] = "DataCollection.Status"
Values[2] = "{scriptstopped}"

case_rs.AddNew(Fields, Values)
records_added = records_added + 1

' TODO - add any additional sample data to the case data
End If


End While

logger.Log("RunOnce.mrs - " + CText(records_added) + " sample records added successfully", logLevels.LOGLEVEL_INFO)


logger.Log("RunOnce.mrs - Error loading sample, " + Err.Description)
' ==============================================================

Function GetNextSerial(db)
Dim rs
Set rs = db.Execute("SELECT MAX(Respondent.Serial) FROM VDATA")
If rs.EOF Then
GetNextSerial = 1
GetNextSerial = rs.Fields[0] + 1
End If
End Function

' =============================================================

Function IsNewRespondent(db, respondentId)
Dim rs
Set rs = db.Execute("SELECT Respondent.Id FROM VDATA WHERE LCase(Respondent.Id) = '" + LCase(respondentId) + "'")
IsNewRespondent = rs.EOF
End Function

' =============================================================

Function GetUserId(userFolder)
GetUserId = userFolder.Name
End Function

' =============================================================

Function GetProjectName(userFolder)
GetProjectName = userFolder.ParentFolder.Name
End Function

' =============================================================

Function GetCaseDbConnectionString(projectName)
GetCaseDbConnectionString = MakeString("Provider=mrOleDB.Provider.2;Data Source=mrDataFileDsc;Location=CaseData\", _
projectName, ".ddf;Initial Catalog=CaseData\", projectName, ".mdd")
End Function

' =============================================================

Function GetSampleDbConnectionString(dataFile, sheetName)
GetSampleDbConnectionString = MakeString("Provider=mrOleDB.Provider.2;Data Source=mrADODsc;", _
"Location=""Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=", dataFile, _
";Extended Properties=""""Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"""";"";MR Init Project=", _
sheetName, "$;")
End Function

' =============================================================
The runonce.mrs script runs each time a new copy of the script is copied to the client. As a result, you must update the script if you want the script to be rerun.
To ensure that the file is run, you must add the *.mrs file type to the DPM site property IVFilesToBeCopied.
For more information on the synchronization process, see UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin architecture.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows project settings